for individuals

woman with headphones on laptop

build your confidence

As we all well know, writing at work—no matter what your role is—can be incredibly complex and frustrating. While you are no-doubt skilled in your area of expertise, the writing that goes into your daily work might not come so easily. In addition to team-based training, we're happy to offer public workshops that individual professionals can register for and attend.

woman with coffee and laptop


While we currently only offer workshops to organizations, in the future we will offer public workshops to individuals looking to improve their writing skills. Below, please let us know which topics would be of most interest to you as an individual.

refresh your skills

Struggling with clarity in your writing? Grammar? Organization? Do you just need a refresher on the foundations of workplace communication? See our Events page to see if our public workshops might work for you. Or, if you think others in your organization could also benefit, contact us to see if on-site training might be a good fit.